DePalma Design Group

SWPPP Compliance

We have a team of certified QSDs and QSPs and QSP trained inspectors who cover the LA, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties.

With over 24 years of experience in Erosion Control/SWPPP compliance, Shirley DePalma leads our team and continues to work closely with State Water Resources Control Boards, City and County personnel.

QSD Services

A SWPPP, or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, defines and helps mitigate water pollution risk from construction activity.

California’s complex regulations make SWPPP management and reporting difficult. DDG offers construction SWPPP preparation services that are accurate, comprehensive, and timely. We are here to make it easier for our clients.

QSD/SWPPP services include:

o    Traditional SWPPP Development

o    WPCP water pollution control plan development

o    SMARTS reporting and filings

QSP & SWPPP Monitoring Services

Let DDG’s experienced QSP inspectors handle all your SWPPP monitoring and reporting.

Our QSP staff are trained in California permit regulations, BMP installation and maintenance, and full SWPPP compliance. We offer several different options to stay compliant with California regulators.

QSP Services include:

o    Site monitoring and reporting services

o    Sampling and monitoring services

o    Turbidity sampling and pH sampling

what is a


A good storm water control plan always starts with a thorough Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).  A SWPPP not only specifies specific methods of controlling storm water onsite but provides the required characterization information required by State and Federal regulations.

 A “BMP” or Best Management Practice is often thought of as an engineered or structural control used to control erosion, such as silt fence or detention ponds.  In reality, BMP’s are any product, structure or administrative control, such as an ordinance or written practice, which is designed to prevent, mitigate, or treat contaminated storm water runoff.


A good SWPPP will always include background information such as:

  • Soil types
  • Runoff coefficients for pre- and post-development conditions
  • Characterization of existing water quality
  • Existing rainfall information to know how much water you may need to address


Although there are many forms of stormwater management and BMP’s, the best BMP’s are the ones keep you from impacting storm water to start with. The easiest storm water contamination to treat, is that which never gets impacted to start with.  These types of BMP’s include:

  • Limiting the amount of area exposed prior to construction
  • Preserving natural stream buffers and maintaining native vegetation if possible
  • Diverting upstream storm water runoff from around a site


When all preventative measures have been taken Storm Water control from your site can begin in earnest.  These types of BMP’s will include:

  • establishing perimeter controls
  • beginning soil stabilization as soon as possible
  • Establishing temporary vegetation
  • Installation of BMP’s designed to slow water velocity and further reduce erosion potential such as check dams and rip rap and other outlet protection


Even the best SWPPP will not completely prevent all erosion from occurring, and when it does, good BMP’s will help reduce sediment which can leave the site and wash downstream.  These types of BMP’s will include:

  • Installation track-out control
  • Silt fence
  • Inlet protection
  • Sediment traps
  • Well-designed and maintained outlet control

State Water Resources Control Board

“The State Water Board’s mission is to preserve, enhance and restore the quality of California’s water resources, and ensure their proper allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations.”

California Water Quality Association

“CASQA assists the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and municipalities throughout the state of California in implementing the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater mandates of the Federal Clean Water Act.”

Air Quality Management District

“AQMD believes all residents have a right to live and work in an environment of clean air and is committed to undertaking all necessary steps to protect public health from air pollution, with sensitivity to the impacts of its actions on the community and businesses.”



DePalma Design Group personnel are always available to answer any questions that you might have. Please feel free to call us at any time for help.

We’re in the business of keeping our client’s job sites compliant with the NPDES permit.

A clean environment is important to us all.

“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.”

stewart udall